Select from the list the connectors corresponding to the cables of your power supply.
In the front view of the psu side connectors, enter the corresponding pin number from the device side.
(For split wires, two numbers can be added separated by a space).
Copy the URL to share your pinout.
If you have completed and verified a pinout, please consider sending it to so that it can be included as a finished pinout
on this website.
NOTE: You should always double-check any pinout you are given as cables with an incorrect pinout can destroy your components!
Though we try to make sure that any pinouts found in the repository on this website are as accurate as possible,
no guarantees are given for the correctness of any data you may find on this site.
Also note that any links that start with rather than have not been verified by us.
If you
have created a pinout that you would like to be added to the database,
have a feature request
would like to create a pinout for a power supply with connectors that are currently not available on this site